Things to avoid during pregnancy Like foods, Many foods are not required to be consumed by pregnant women. Even some of the myths that can be justified. Because of these forbidden foods that will cause harm to the pregnancy and her baby inside. Things to avoid during pregnancy.
Things to avoid during pregnancy Like foods, Many people say pregnant women should not consume a variety of foods as it will cause a miscarriage. Maybe some of the food is true, but there are some foods below that are medically proven very dangerous for pregnant women, Things to avoid during pregnancy Like foods.
Things to avoid during pregnancy Like foods
Raw Meat.
Raw meat (sushi) or undercooked cooked, because it contains Toxoplasmosis is a parasite that can cause serious infection to your baby as well as E. coli, which is dangerous for pregnant women and fetuses, Things to avoid during pregnancy Like foods. -
Soft cheeses.
Soft cheeses such as brie and camembert, cheese blueveined also cheese from the milk of goats and sheep, and do not drink milk is not pasteurized. All these products are at risk of carrying listeria. Type Listeria bacteria can penetrate the placenta and cause fetal infections, in adults there are no symptoms or flu-like.Listeria can cause miscarriage, premature birth, and blood poisoning. But avoid these foods until your baby, Things to avoid during pregnancy Like foods. -
Unpasteurized Milk.
Pasteurization eliminates bacteria from food. Most of the milk and yogurt at the grocery store is pasteurized. But many are not pasteurized like fresh fruit juice at a roadside canteen or cheese from raw milk, Things to avoid during pregnancy Like foods. -
Contaminated food.
Seafood such as fish or shellfish contaminated with heavy metals like mercury should be avoided during pregnancy. Because mercury is harmful to pregnancy associated with brain damage and developmental delays infants born. Ikan-contaminated fish (contaminated) waste industry also needs to be avoided during pregnancy. Rivers or lakes around the industry tends to be contaminated by chemical waste plant residue. As a result, the fish in it are also contaminated. It is also very dangerous and risky for the health of pregnant women and fetuses, Things to avoid during pregnancy Like foods. -
Raw eggs
Raw eggs and other foods containing raw eggs should be avoided during pregnancy because they contain salmonella enteriditis. Salmonella enteritidis bacterium usually found in egg yolk, egg white but most are not immune to this bacteria.The only way to avoid this is to cook until completely cooked. As a result of disease-causing bacteria in food will die, but do not damage the protein in eggs, Things to avoid during pregnancy Like foods. -
Canned foods that contain preservatives
Food in cans usually contain purines that increase uric acid in the blood. In addition there are also salt and high fat that can increase high blood pressure / hypertension. Addition of sodium nitrite in processed foods can cause cancer because they are carcinogenic, Things to avoid during pregnancy Like foods. -
Foods that contain sugar substitutes/artificial
Sugar substitutes such as aspartame, NutraSweet and Splenda are chemical additives that have not been studied enough to determine whether it is safe during pregnancy. Instead, limit your diet soda and sugar-free candy. If you want to eat the sweet, taste occasionally, Things to avoid during pregnancy Like foods. -
Snacks that are high in fat
High-fat snacks such as French fries, chips, chocolate, or ice cream should also be limited. Also avoid fast food / fast food because in addition to high-fat, high calorie foods are also fast food and salt. Foods that are high in salt can cause you lack sodium.Jika do want to snack, you better replace it with healthy snacks and low in fat, such as apples, roasted or boiled corn, yogurt, low fat ice cream, croquettes or the content of vegetables and rolls meat, Things to avoid during pregnancy Like foods. -
Food/low carb diet
There are some women who reduce their intake of carbohydrates with a reason to keep your weight during pregnancy. Though this certainly should not be done, because the fetus in the womb requires adequate nutrition. You are also not recommended for long fasting, Things to avoid during pregnancy Like foods. -
Processed foods are reheated
In processed foods are reheated nutrients has been reduced or lost due to preservation, heating and cooling, Things to avoid during pregnancy Like foods. -
Herbal tea
Most herbal teas, like peppermint or chamomile, it would be fine if taken for pregnant women. But first you should ask your doctor to make sure the tea does not contain ingredients that can harm the baby. Because herbal ingredients such as raspberry leaf can cause contractions.
Foods not eaten by pregnant women is not good for consumption. Many bad things will happen later. As well as the baby's health would be at stake. Of course it would not happen to us right? Being a mother is ready to get pregnant, also means being ready to be mothers any dietary restrictions that should not be consumed during pregnancy.
Things to avoid during pregnancy Like Foods.
Things to avoid during pregnancy Like foods, For pregnant women, should be careful is in the eating. Because by choosing healthy foods for the health of the pregnancy would also reduce the number of infant and maternal mortality in childbirth.
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